A farewell to my fur bestie
It was an Indian summer when Hara first arrived from his kennel in Breclav to his loyal forever home. After a very hot long summer, winds of climate change brought us a severe drop in temperature. Having managed to stay healthy and moderately strong, last couple of nice pleasant September days warmed my old bones, heart and memories of my beloved big Tosa boy, Hachiko.
I remember his puppy smell. When I took him with me from the kennel in Breclav, he had a powder pink beige blanket and it smelled the same as the baby Tosa Hachiko’s fur, sweet like vanilla, and a bit animal stinky. This scent remains in my memory, I can visualize it and sense it, in my mind, memories of Hachiko.
These days it’s Indian summer again and I remember our long happy walks; Hachiko three to four months old, wondering through the fields of ploughed up soil, meadows and bushes. I sat on a ground or I sat on a branch that had fallen off previously during the storm. He was sniffing, as a dear curious, giant puppy he was, and I was enjoying the moment. Consciously. As if I knew that this pleasant October afternoon with my Tosa boy would live forever in my memory. To be able to recall it and relive the happiness.
It was that same day Hachiko first saw a horse, three horses to be exact. The look on his face, he was in awe, I believe he was thinking in his puppy mind that he’s going to grow up to a size of that horse. He was amazed. He stared at them; a bit hesitant but my giant puppy was not afraid.
My Tosa dog is a Cancer/Leo & he loves horses!
Later as he grew bigger, my Tosa boy seemingly adopted the equestrian aesthetic: when he wanted to impress someone, attract respect and admiration of his dog friends and enemies, he would strike a “horse pose” and would be just standing there majestically dignified and looking a bit sideways lol. It’s an interesting fact that Tosa dogs and horses have some common traits. We can describe their behavior as eager, interested, alert, playful, responsive. Even Hachiko’s first girlfriend was a mare, Lika. She arrived to our home after him. He used to bring her apples and she used to pet him with her head. Hachiko learned how to lead her straight to stable. She was a stubborn horse indeed. And he had his way with her.
Haragei, a true Tosa ken, a dog with a sense of humor
His second girlfriend, his one and only, his true love was Ama, our Fila Brasileiro girl. He was letting her win in all matters, like a true gentleman he was. Ama is 11 now. Hachiko was almost 11 when he passed away. He couldn’t stand on his feet anymore, so we had to euthanize him.
His last day on Earth was May the 1st. Our last day with our dear giant, with our unique Tosa boy, Hachiko. It was a nice spring day that will stay engraved in my memory as a majestically sad day. The vet came to our house, we were sitting outside, under a walnut tree and I served a cake with vanilla cream, strawberries and bananas. It wasn’t intentionally made for the sad purpose, of course, but I am mentioning it for two reasons. The vet wasn’t in a hurry and it was both a beautiful day and a sad occasion. Hara couldn’t stand on his feet for longer than a minute or two. So, we knew we had to do it, we had to end his suffering. And I know he knew it too. We were sitting under the walnut tree and the vet shared his cake with Hachiko. I remember his beautiful, goofy face, he ate the strawberries, bananas and cream gently. Hachiko always showed respect eating from the hand. And it even seemed as if he wanted to make us smile. He was a very sensitive dog and also had a sense of humor. Oh yes, he did!

Hachiko’s first dog collar
Hachiko’s first collar was purple, made of polyester. It scratched the hell out of him. So, we bought him a leather collar, but it wasn’t much better either. Being conscientious and creative, we decided to design a dog collar that wouldn’t irritate his skin. The collar for sensitive dog skin has to be made in natural materials with no metal on the inner side. That’s how Sauri dog collars started, with love and dedication, with true care for dogs and to cherish the happiness they bring into our lives 🐾🤲❤
Frozen lake
We live in a countryside so people prepare wood for winter season. The sound of a chainsaw seemed to contrast and simultaneously complement the mildness of the autumn day. Hachiko learned to drink water from a garden tap. Of all the dogs I have had or known, Hachiko was only second to learn – all by himself – how to drink water straight from tap. And he really looooved fresh water, it’s funny the way he used to wait until I filled his bowl with fresh water or drank straight from the tap. Hachiko was born in Cancer sign. He wasn’t perplexed with water, just natural. Once during the winter, we were walking by a frozen lake and one child threw a stick out of nowhere. Hachiko ran swiftly, galloping the hard cold soil until he stepped on the frozen lakes surface. The sound of ice cracking under his feet, and his surprise, and our fear. The moment of silence cut by a sound of ice cracking. Once he realized the situation was way out of ordinary, he stopped moving, only turned around and looked at me a bit hesitant: What shall I do? By finding my own balance and having managed to quiet the screaming children, I called Hachiko to come back calming the intensity of the moment. And he managed to step back into safety!
Today we have been gathering leaves and branches that fell off the oaks, walnuts and willow trees. I remember Hachiko assisting us a couple years ago while we were harvesting walnuts. My dear boy, he was always so vividly interested in everything his human friends were occupied with. This year we cannot harvest walnuts. There are none. Long hot summer and drought left the walnut trees fruitless. Nature is so powerful; if we humans don’t make it our ally asap, we will actually live to regret it. Living conditions change so swiftly. Sometimes I feel it’s good that Hachiko is free from nowadays.

Haragei “Hachiko” 21.07.2012-1.05.2023